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Bong-O-Matic(400kb) Adjust the controls on the Flash-Powered "BONG-O-MATIC" to get your hippy as high as possible-as safely as possible. Try not to choke a bruver, make him sick or overheat the bong. Excellent Graphics
Honeybear(1.1mb) Who Wants to Smoke My Honeybear! Remember this game, while check it out and you'll know what I mean. Very Cool Game
Incriminati(310kb) In this game you have to hind a bunch in of objects before you parents walk in on you. |
THC-Calculator(30kb) This program allow you to calculate whether or not you pass your next urine test. Hope it works!
Los Marijanos(972kb) In this neat little Pac-Man like game, you guide your homie Pony Boy through the maze to eat up the bud...but watch out for The Pigs!
Stash Invaders(819kb) Use your Bic lighter to stop the advancing chronic space bongs before they toke up your shit! It also includes a built-in, and unbelievably easy to use game designer, which allows you to add your own pics and sounds to customize the game however you like.
Chronic 2k(495kb) Sell drugs, pimp hoes and avoid the cops and thugs! Game play is very similar to Dope Wars, but this game includes pictures and graphics. Lots of fun!
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